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“Expert renditions of Gregorian Chant”
The New York Times


Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola is dedicated to the singing and study of Gregorian Chant. Their expertise and experience come from over 30 years of extensive study with the late, Dr. Mary Berry, CBE founder of the Schola Gregoriana in Cambridge, England, and the original directors' study with Dom Cardine at St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes, France. The schola conducts chant workshops in the USA and abroad and continues to chant the Liturgy of the Hours daily and the Ordinary and Proper of the Mass at the Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, Massachusetts. This Collection of 10 recordings at a 40% Special Discount contains hundreds of the ancient chants sung throughout the church year in authentic interpretations and with texts, translations and notes in each accompanying album booklet. They are critically acclaimed for "Expert renditions of Gregorian Chant," New York Times and "Excellence in interpretation," Fanfare.


Gregorian Chant Collection Includes:

The Chants of Angels
The Chants of Mary
The Chants of The Holy Spirit
The Chants of Christmas
The Chants of Easter
The Chants of The Transfiguration
The Coming of Christ
I Am With You
The Beloved Son
Gregorian Requiem

Critical Acclaim


  • “Not even the most seasoned monastic group delivers it better than the Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola, a group that specializes in Gregorian chant. They sing in daily services and appear often in concert with (and as part of) the Gloriæ Dei Cantores. Like them, the Schola singers are renowned for their smooth sound, rhythmic flexibility, and intense sacred sentiment.”
    American Record Guide

  • “I am so happy that the Cantores have embraced audiophile surround sound as it adds a whole new dimension to their already generally superb recorded legacy. ... The voices on this recording infiltrate the room, flooding it with an inescapable beauty that envelops the ears and transports the senses. ... a living and vibrant faith, and one hears this in every syllable of the Cantores' singing. ... The full texts and translations, along with little blurbs to guide us along the journey, are tasteful in the extreme and colorfully done in a premium presentation effort.”
    Steven Ritter, Audiophile Audition

  • “Since the community sings the entire Office daily, their superb delivery of the music is no surprise, given their long association with Dr. Berry, a longtime proponent of Dom Cardine's semiological interpretation. The voices are lovely, and the men and women generally alternate, except in climactic passages that naturally call for the union of voices in octaves.”
    **Coupons do not apply to this collection

product image of 'The Chants of Angels' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian chant recording
product image of 'The Chants of the Holy Spirit' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian chant recording
product image of 'The Chants of Easter' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'The Coming of Christ' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian chant recording
product image of 'The Beloved Son' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'The Chants of Mary' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'The Chants of Christmas' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'The Chants of the Transfiguration' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'I am With You' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording
product image of 'Gregorian Requiem' Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola Gregorian Chant recording