“Wonderful...light and brilliant timbre.”
American Record Guide
Gregorian chant recharges our spiritual batteries with tranquility and peace. Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola has re-released this treasury of chants about Christ's Transfiguration (formerly Shining Like the Sun). These meditations encourage us to lift up our eyes and bask in the heavenly light of Christ. Included are chants about the prophecies of the Transfiguration, chants that tell the story of Christ's Transfiguration, and chants that highlight the promise of our own transfiguration. Chant-inspired organ works bookend the program.
Critical Acclaim
“The singing of these chants by this professional ensemble is wonderful. The sound of the women's voices is particularly striking because of their light and brilliant timbre.”
American Record Guide - “The chants are sung by women and men in alternation with occasional octave-singing climaxes. The solo verses are expertly sung. The singing is characteristic of a group that sings chant as a daily service of worship, yet under the influence of Dr. Berry the interpretation leaves nothing lacking that a professional ensemble would bring to the task. This is an unusual presentation that will appeal to many chant enthusiasts.”
Photo at the top: Detail, Mosaic, Alessandra Caprara, Design: Helen McLean © 2006 Church of the Transfiguration, Orleans, MA