When Gloriæ Dei Cantores began, it was clear that American music would become a priority for performance and recording. There was a sizable amount of literature that was under-performed and never recorded, including works of Copland and Thomson, the American mystic Alan Hovhaness, Howard Hanson, Leo Sowerby, and two prominent Jewish composers, Samuel Adler and Robert Starer.
These three recordings of American Psalmody - Make His Praise Glorious, By The Rivers of Babylon and The Lord is My Shepherd give voice to this rich treasury of sacred choral music that was waiting to be discovered. And over the last thirty years, Gloriæ Dei has created one of the most comprehensive discographies preserving this rich heritage of sacred choral music in America.

Premiere and Only Works
Make His Praise Glorious | ||
Track 1 | Psalm of Dedication | Adler |
Track 3-7 | Make a Joyful Noise | Hovhaness |
Track 8 | Behold How Good | Pinkham |
Track 9 | Thou Hast Turned My Laments | Pinkham |
Track 10 | Open to Me the Gates | Pinkham |
Track 11 | O Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me | Nelson |
Track 12-13 | Psalms of Woe and Joy | Starer |
Track 15 | The Lord is My Shepherd | Thompson |
By the Rivers of Babylon | ||
Track 1 | By the Rivers of Babylon | Loeffler |
Track 2-4 | Three Antiphonal Psalms | Thomson |
Track 7 | Sing to the Lord a New Song | Taylor |
Track 9 | Psalm 150 | Newbury |
Track 10 | My Song Shall be Always | Near |
Track 11-13 | A Psalm Trilogy | Adler |
Track 14 | Hallelujah! Sing to the Lord | Neswick |
Track 15 | Give Thanks Unto the Lord | Starer |
Track 16 | Cantate Domino | White |
The Lord is My Shepherd | ||
Track 1 | The God of Love | Susa |
Track 3-5 | Two Psalms and a Proverb | Rorem |
Track 6 | Make Haste | Hovhaness |
Track 7 | The House of the Lord | Pinkham |
Track 8 | Proverbs for a Son | Starer |
Track 9 | The Twenty-Third Psalm | Adler |
Track 10-12 | Cantata from Proverbs | Milhaud |
Track 13 | By the Waters of Babylon | James |
Track 14 | I Will Set His Dominion in the Sea | Neswick |
Critical Acclaim
- “Kudos to the ensemble and its conductor for first recordings of a great deal of important American choral music by (primarily) conservative mid-20th century masters, many native born. Elegantly modulated performances. Choral tone is invariably rich and well-balanced, with excellent diction in a live acoustic. Care with phrase shapes, pacing, variety in dynamic range and overall energy.”
David Katz for The American Prize -
“Fervent singing of a well-varied program...The choir has a full, vibrant sound....Ned Rorem's Two Psalms and a Proverb is absolutely gorgeous, and this is its only available recording. The oldest work on the program is Ives' Psalm 100 and Gloriæ Dei Cantores finds a devotional quality in the music...Bruce Neswick's stirring anthem I Will Set His Dominion in the Sea is also first-rate, good enough to make one eager to hear more of his work. A very worthwhile release. And do check out the two previous volumes particularly the second, which includes Charles Martin Loeffler's exquisite setting of By the Rivers of Babylon (again the only available recording).”
Gramophone - “Passionate and moving.”
BBC - “This ... is a pretty complete tour of American Choral music based on Psalms from the Bible. The collection features 20th century music, and 23 of the works contained in this 3 CD set have never been recorded previously, making this set quite a musical treasure. Taken together, the collection is moving and they are well performed. It was a thrill to hear works that have never been available. ...highly recommended!”
Audiophile Audition
UPC: 709887089923