“If you don’t know either Adler’s music or this choir, just GET it.”
American Record Guide
A Prophecy of Peace spans more than thirty-five years of works by award-winning American composer Samuel Adler. Adler's fresh and imaginative harmonic and melodic language brings a heightened awareness of the texts of these works as well as giving the listener a personal expression that is unique to each work. Highlights include the first recording of Adler's Transfiguration Mass for choir, organ and brass as well as his Verses from Isaiah for choir, organ, brass, and handbells.

Premiere and Only Works
Track 1 | A Prophecy of Peace |
Track 2 | Psalm 24 |
Track 3 | Proclaim God’s Greatness |
Track 4 | L’chah Dodi |
Track 5 | I Think Continually of Those |
Track 6 | Psalm 124 |
Track 7-10 | Transfiguration: An Ecumenical Mass |
Track 11 | Let Us Rejoice |
Track 12-13 | Two Psalm Motets |
Track 14 | It Is To God I Shall Sing |
Track 15 | Mah Tovu |
Track 16 | Psalm 146 |
Track 17 | Verses from Isaiah |
Critical Acclaim
“Here is a glowing and long-overdue tribute to the sacred choral music of contemporary American composer Samuel Adler, beautifully sung by perhaps America's finest non-professional chamber choir ... Performances are impeccable and deeply moving. This group delivers gorgeous, balanced sound and has completely mastered any technical skill you can name. Their ensemble and dynamic subtlety are second to none, including professional choirs. But the best thing about their singing is a kind of utterly rapt, evangelistic spiritual intensity that you simply can't imagine until you've experienced it for yourself.”
American Record Guide - “Adler’s music is noted for its contrapuntal brilliance, and the use of rhythm as a driving force of intense communicability. One wishes that today’s choral composers would revisit the magnificence of the art of counterpoint, seemingly left behind in the quest for sheer magnificence of sound. Alder supplies both in music that is refreshingly modern in scope and profound in piety. The sound is wonderful ... surely a fine reminder of Adler’s art, and a testimony to the human spirit. Easily recommended.”
Audiophile Audition - “Atonal and serial elements coexist in Adler with dance rhythms and folk tunes; yet Adler is quite capable of Handelian gestures, such as the opening of Psalm 74, and equally capable of unresolved dissonances in Verses from Isaiah ... This CD, originally released in 2004, was the first recording of Transfiguration; other works on the disc have been heard before and/or since, although there are few vocal ensembles capable of delivering this music with the skill and sheer beauty possessed by the 40-voice Gloriæ Dei Cantores. The disc certainly justifies the group’s title, Singers for the Glory of God.”
TransCentury Communications - “Gloriae Dei Cantores' performances of contemporary sacred music exist in a paucity of recordings and are a testament to this unique and rare place.
Gloriae Dei Cantores now turns their attention to Samuel Adler...and the performances are presented with brio.”
All About Jazz