Edmund Rubbra
V: Vigiliate et orate ut non intretis in tentationem. Spiritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infirma.
On the Mount of Olives, He prayed to the Father: Father, if it would be possible, may this cup pass from me; It is true, the Spirit is ready (willing), but the flesh is weak.
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The Spirit indeed is ready, but the flesh is weak.
R: Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem: sustinete hic, et vigilate mecum: nunc videbitis turbam, quae circumdabit me: Vos fugam capietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis:
V: Ecce appropinquat hora, et Filius hominis tradetur in manus peccatorum. Vos fugam capietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis.
My soul is sad even to death; stay back (support me) here, and watch with me. Now you will see the crowd which will encircle me; you will take flight, and I will go to be sacrificed for you.
Behold, the time is approaching and the Son of man will be handed over into the hands of sinners. You will take flight, and I will go to be sacrificed for you.
R: Ecce vidimus eum non habentem speciem, neque decorum: aspectus ejus in eo non est: hic peccata nostra portavit et pro nobis dolet: ipse autem vulneratus est propter iniquitates nostras, cujus livore sanati sumus.
V: Vere languores nostros ipse tulit, et dolores nostros ipse portavit. Cujus livore sanati sumus.
Behold, we have seen him having no beauty or grace; He is disfigured; He has carried (borne) our sins and suffers for us. And He was wounded for (on account of) our iniquities; by his bruises we are healed.
Truly He has taken our infirmities and He himself has carried our pains (sorrows). By his bruises we are healed.