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Venite, populi de longe,
et admiramini gentes.
Venite, populi, venite,
an alia natio tam grandis,
quae habet deos appropinquantes sibi,
sicut Deus noster adest nobis,
cujus in ara veram praesentiam
contemplamur jugiter per fidem vivam,
an alia natio tam grandis?
O sors cunctis beatior,
sola fidelium,
quibus panis fractio
et calicis communio
est in auxilium.
Eja ergo epulemur
in azymis veritatis et sinceritatis,
et inebriemur vino laetitiae sempiternae.
An alia natio tam grandis?
Venite, populi, venite.
Come, O peoples from afar,
and marvel, O races.
Come, O peoples, come,
is there any nation so great
that it has its gods so near to them
as our God is near to us,
whose true presence on his altar
we continually contemplate through living faith:
is there any nation so great?
O fate more blessed than all others,
O fate only of the faithful
for whom breaking bread
and sharing the cup
is a help
Therefore, let us feast
on the unleavened bread of truth and sincerity,
and become drunk with wine of eternal joy.
Is there any nation so great?
Come, O peoples, come.

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