Giaches de Wert
Peccavi super numerum arenae maris,
et multiplicata sunt peccata mea;
et non sum dignus videre altitudinem caeli,
prae multitudine iniquitatis meae,
quoniam irritavi iram tuam,
et malum coram te feci.
et multiplicata sunt peccata mea;
et non sum dignus videre altitudinem caeli,
prae multitudine iniquitatis meae,
quoniam irritavi iram tuam,
et malum coram te feci.
I have committed sins which are more
than the number of the grains of sand of the sea, and my sins have multiplied;
and I am not worthy to see the height of heaven because of the multitude of my iniquity;
for I have provoked Your anger
and done evil before You.
than the number of the grains of sand of the sea, and my sins have multiplied;
and I am not worthy to see the height of heaven because of the multitude of my iniquity;
for I have provoked Your anger
and done evil before You.
Apocrypha, Prayer of Manasses, 11 and 10