Gregorian Chant—Mode I
V. Vide Domine afflictionem populi tui, et mitte quen missurus es: emitte Agnum dominatorem terrae, de petra deserti ad montem filiae Sion: ut auferat ipse jugum captivitatis nostrae.
V. Consolamini, consolamini, popule meus: cito veniet salus tua: quare moerore consumeris, quia innovavit te dolor? Salvabo te, noli timere, ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus, Sanctus Israel, redemptor tuus.
Drop down dew, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down the just One. (Is. 45:8a)
V. See, Lord, the affliction of your people, and send him whom you are about to send; send forth the Lamb, the Lord of the earth, from the rock of the desert to the mountain of the daughter of Zion, that he himself may take away the yoke of our captivity.
(Cf. Lam. 1:9; Ex. 4:13; Is. 16:1)
V. Be comforted, be comforted my people; your deliverance will come quickly. Why are you consumed with grief, that your sorrow has been renewed? I will save you, do not be afraid; I myself am indeed the Lord your God, the holy One of Israel, your Redeemer.
(Cf. Is. 40:1; Is. 43:1b–3a)